mediteo’s FAQs

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What do the colors and numbers on the calendar and above the Daily mean?

< 1 min read

mediteo summarizes for you the most important statistics directly on your Daily:

  • Weekly success: you can see how many intakes you took according to plan in the last seven days (from yesterday). The weekly success is determined on the basis of calculated adherence, which in turn is the result of the following calculation: adherence of planned and taken doses/adherence of planned doses * 100%).
  • Today’s goal: you can see how many intakes or measurements have already been marked today and how many are still planned or have been forgotten or skipped.
  • Punctuality: you can see how many intakes you took today within +/- 1 h from your plan.
  • Colors on the calendar: you can see if you took all intakes (green) or forgot all intakes (red) on a specific day. A mix of them or skipped intakes (yellow) will also be shown.