mediteo’s FAQs

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How can I subscribe/manage/cancel the subscription to mediteo m+?

< 1 min read

mediteo m+ is an in-app purchase, which you can directly make on mediteo. It is a subscription which is managed automatically from Apple or Google. The subscription will automatically be renewed unless it is cancelled.


“Profile” symbol (top left) → mediteo m+ → Learn more → Support now (or show all subscriptions)


iOS: “Profile” symbol (top left) → mediteo m+ → Change plan
Android: “Profile” symbol (top left) → mediteo m+ → See details → Manage subscription


iOS: App Store → Account icon (top right) → “Subscriptions” → “mediteo” → switch or cancel subscription here
Android: Play Store → Account Icon (top right) → “Payments and subscriptions” → “Subscriptions” → “mediteo” → switch or cancel subscription here

Further information about the cancellation:

  • Cancellation must be made up to 24h before the current subscription period expires.
  • Cancellation by means of a written statement is not possible due to technical reasons; the cancellation must be made on the App Store or on Google Play.
  • Simply uninstalling the app does not result in cancellation: the subscription must still be cancelled on the App Store or on Google Play.

You can find further information on Apple ( and Google (